Friday, July 8, 2011

Without Limits

I watched Without Limits recently, one of the movies about running legend Steve Prefontaine. I thought Prefontaine was a little better, and maybe that's because I saw that one first. Maybe I was expecting too much, as I had heard Without Limits was the best one (or maybe just the most popular?). Without Limits seemed short. Like everything was glossed over and characters that weren't developed enough (look at me the movie critic). Surprise! Without Limits is 11 minutes longer. Huh.

Either way, the dude was a beast. I similarly pride myself on heart and guts, but I wish I had that speed to make it even more meaningful.

I did chuckle at Frank Shorter's role in the movie. No, not the guy who played Frank Shorter. The guy that Frank Shorter played. Go figure he would play someone besides himself in the movie...

Next up, Fire on the Track.


The Middle Miles said...

Seen both countless times, still like Without Limits better. It's more polished and professional feeling, no fake interviews, and I think Crudup did a better job than Leto. The stuff Prefontaine had going for it IMO was R Lee Ermey (Gunnery Sargeant Hartmann from FMJ) and a better Olympic 5000 (the one done to Mason Daring's "Munich Race"), but I just thought that other than that, Without Limits was the better movie.

They're really completely different movies though. Prefontaine's big focus seems to be on Pre's fight with the AAU, while Without Limits focuses on Pre's relationship with Bowerman (though both movies do touch on the other subject).

Plus Without Limits had Stevo from SLC Punk!!!

Mike said...

True. They do focus on different things. I think you're right about his relationship with Bowerman in Without Limits.