Saturday, November 29, 2008

Helping the Economy

Well, I have to say that I am helping the economy out a little as of this weekend and the month or so to come. I bought a new camera and have plans to buy a car and a computer in the next month or so. Also on my list is a new phone. We shall see how everything turns out.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

You Turkey!

I'm so glad to be going home for Thanksgiving tomorrow (after a half day of work). It's going to be a long drive and hopefully not too much snow and traffic. We shall see. Home Sweet Home.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I've Got My Eye on You, Boston...

I had a great bounce-back run today after Saturday's misery and Thursday's "bad" run. It was arguably the strongest I've felt in a training run all year. Did my 8-mile tempo run at 6:57 pace, and even pushed the last one to 6:45! I'm officially declaring myself unofficially ready for the Las Vegas Marathon!!

In other news, someone stole my peanut butter last night...

Now playing: Marc Broussard - Momentary Setback
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Paging Mother Nature!

Hellooooooo!? November 15th is not supposed to be 65 and humid! Kind of made my 22-miler yesterday a little difficult... and then deciding to make it pour at the end too? That's not nice! Got a little chilly when I got soaked there. And the humidity forced me to run out of water (thank you to the fire station that let me steal some of theirs!) - but I finished, and still with an 8:09 pace.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Put on a Smile

Happy World Kindness Day!

I hope you all did something nice for someone today :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

Thank you to all those, past and present, who protect our freedoms!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Yay! Boom!

So, I'm rather excited to have gotten gas for $2.04 today! The guys next to me at the gas station, though, apparently don't know to turn their car off while pumping gas...HELLO!?!? Isn't that a fire hazard or something??

Thursday, November 6, 2008


With today's run I surpassed 1000 miles for the year. That's the first time in 11 years of running that I've done that! :) I hope I don't fizzle at the end of the season like a rookie pitcher... That being said, today's run was probably the toughest run that is on my training schedule. Sure, there's a 22-miler and all, but 8 x 1-mile repeats at 6:30 pace is kinda hard =P My legs felt a little heavy/tight, but I made it through and averaged 6:33 per interval :)

Another weekend is here. I still need to eat more and sleep more...