Sunday, December 30, 2007

Clearance Rack

Ok, so here's a few things I've been meaning to write a little about over the past few months, but never did...

1. Passion
I have a lot of passion, but nowhere to put it. I have music, but I can't put it all there. Good thing I'm back into running. Now I just have to figure out my blister problem and I can put my passion into two things at least...

2. Job
I need to find a job I really, really like. My job right now (albeit temporary) is not bad, it would just be better to find something I really enjoy doing. Right? Kind of goes with #1 up there. If I could do something I love, something I'm really passionate about, that would be so cool. Obviously.

3. Loneliness
Something that may be cured once I move out to Ann Arbor. I don't do anything besides work and come home. Once I move I can get involved in things, like church choir, a running club, etc. Then I can meet people and maybe not be such a loser ;)

4. Pack Rat
I'm a pack rat. I collect everything. I hold on to everything. Even feelings.

5. Learning
I've learned that I like to learn. It just needs to be something I'm at least relatively interested in, and at my own pace. Except then it would have taken me like 8 years to get through college for Electrical Engineering! Hah

This year I learned a lot, and will post later about it.

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