Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This was lucky number 13 for me: 13th marathon. 13th year of running. 3:10 backwards is 13 (thanks Pat). I stayed in 13th place for most of the first half of the it was "Year of the Moose" - as in my marathons this year were in moose country (Alaska & New Hampshire). Finally getting that BQ was a long, difficult journey full of hard work, ups and downs - and there are a lot of people to thank that have helped me along the way. So here's my Oscars speech:

I'd like to thank...

God, for giving me the tools to make this happen and providing a beautiful day for a run. My family for all their support and encouragement. Uncle Bill for hosting us. Aunt Jeanne for shouting at me as I made the final turn. Ethan for being there on this great day. Eva for lending me her room (as she's not in NH after all). My friends for their support, encouragement and inspiration - especially Molly & Becki, Karen, Randy, Sze, Alan, Stephanie, and all you LVMers. The medical team at the marathon, and the rest of the Clarence DeMar crew. Pre. My legs for hanging on for me. The Boston Athletic Association for providing the quintessential marathoner's goal. And, reluctantly, my 3:11:03 finish at Vegas last year... **music plays**

If you're interested in my splits... (let me know if the link doesn't work)

Next stop, Houston (1/30/11). State number 13. Then on 4/18/11...

I think I'll go to Boston....

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