Sunday, October 5, 2008


Here are a few thoughts and oddities from this weekend...

- As I said in the last entry, I finally saw Dark Knight :)

- Before the movie I learned some things about pool (billiards), and had my first margarita. It was a fresh fruit mango margarita, so it was rather good!

- On my run Saturday morning, as two passing bikers rode by I heard "It ended up, the squirrel had taken the bronze medal." I was about 14 miles into the run and now realize that maybe he said "this girl" and not "squirrel" ... But it was funny to hear and got me thinking that it would be interesting to do that and say random things and somehow see the other people's reactions... My run was awesome, as I did 18 at an 8:05 pace. Boston (BQ) is looking a little more do-able now!

- Saturday at the grocery store a mother was telling her daughter to pick out a cereal, but one without a lot of sugar. The child proceeded to choose Coco Crisp...

- I took a walk over to the nearby Route 1 Flea Market this afternoon. It's basically a Hispanic version of Gibraltar Trade Center. It's also a little smaller and a lot more useless stuff. At least I some of the stuff at Gibraltar is interesting. Though I did see a fedora I think...

- Kalev chocolate (from Estonia) is good stuff. Though since it's from Estonia, it was $4.

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