Friday, January 2, 2015

Indianapolis Illotibial Experiment

Time for the latest installment of “Which state is Mike running a marathon in now?” Marathon #21 and State #18 are in the books!

For the second half of my training for Indy (nearly 2 months), I was battling through IT Band problems. When I could barely make 5 miles on one of my long runs, I decided it was time to change my approach – and that I needed help. I knew my problem and, with the help of my supportive wife, checked myself into rehab. Physical therapy, that is. Turns out I was sort of right about the source of my problems… I knew my hips were weak and a little tight. Well, I came to learn that my hips (and IT Band) were tighter than Mick Jagger’s leather pants! The PT described my IT Band as a “taut rope.” They worked me hard, mostly with hip mobility after the initial “massaging” stage, along with some core strengthening and full leg stretching. I was doing hip circles, planks, and hamstring stretches. Monster Walks, Pigeons, and Fire Hydrants. And, more recently, Spiderman Crawl :) Needless to say, the PT has done me wonders, and hopefully I can keep up my fitness and flexibility!

Anyway, back to the marathon. I was still able to do minimized training, so I was still in pretty reasonable shape for the run. The PT asked me to shave part of my leg so they could tape up my IT/knee for the marathon a few days before (on the Thursday of). That was an interesting experience… While I’m no expert on shaving my legs, I like to think I did a pretty good job! So, I arrived in Indianapolis equipped with my pink kinesio-taped leg and ready to go.

Saturday morning came, and we made our way to the start area. It was a cool, crisp, 48 degrees (and didn't get any higher than 50) and my dad and I did our best to stay warm by sitting by the fires or hanging out in the enclosed tents where the post-race picnic was to be held. I was nervous, but this time was a different kind of nervous. I wasn’t shooting for a PR or particular pace. This time I was nervous that I’d end up with the dreaded “DNF” next to my name. I’m happy to say I avoided that!

I employed a run-walk strategy, at a reduced pace, starting by running the first mile, then walking for 30 seconds. That transformed into about 7 minutes of running, 30 seconds of walking for most of the way. Sometimes during my walk breaks I would kick my right leg out to the side, as sort of a walking hip circle, in an effort to keep it loose. I think it did help. Around Mile 18, I started to tighten up a little more, and kept adjusting my run/walk ration, until the last 3-4 miles when it became more of a “run as able,” since my whole legs were tight by then! I had very little pain, if any, due to my IT band though – and slowly jogged to the (decidedly uphill) finish, claiming victory.

The course was mostly around the area of Fort Harrison State Park (Lawrence, Indiana), and was actually quite nice. The fall colors were out in force. It was mostly flat-ish with a few rolling hills (one especially tough one), and could even be a potential PR course for some. The weather, on the other hand, could have been better – but it also could have been worse! It was cloudy, except for about a half mile or so, and occasionally rather breezy, so it stayed chilly throughout. When the sun went away after its brief cameo, I regretted tossing my gloves aside. The race was well-organized and small. Afterward, we heard from some people that the race may be nearing its end because of the much larger marathon in downtown Indy around the same time, but it was mentioned in the latest Runner’s World, so that might spark a crowd!

My time was 4:37:32, which is my third slowest marathon finish, but it didn’t matter. I made it. Time to take a short break, and then start training for the next one!

18 down, 32 to go…
Next stop: Phoenix, AZ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes it was a bit chilly out there. Not sure I'd consider it a PR course! Had about 450 feet in elevation changes, most in the first half fortunately.
