Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hot Hot Go Away

After today's crappy run in the 92-degree heat after work (at 7pm), I'm definitely ready for the heat to go away. Here are some of the numbers on Baltimore:

23 days in July over 90 degrees, including 11 straight days
3 days in July over 100 degrees
3 more that hit 99
1 more that hit 98
As of today, 6 of the 10 days in August have hit 90 degrees

Add humidity to that.

Yuck. Blah.


Steph said...

ICKY!!! Yeah, I understand the stinky heat! 13 days over 100+ down here :-(

Mike said...

Yeah, but it's a dry heat, right? ;)

Steph said...

HA! I wish! It's been humid down here.