As for the race itself, it was a bit chilly. It was about 34 degrees and maybe got up to 40. Maybe. Wasn't enough for me to take off my gloves. It was my first marathon wearing gloves and a long sleeve shirt. The gloves didn't bother me at the water stops or anything except a little when they got wet, and thus cold. Anyway, I felt great and my shin wasn't bothering me at all. I was right on pace at each mile and caught the 3:10 pace group around 19 miles or so. I stopped for water before 20 (my first walk break) and never caught them again. I started tiring a little bit after the 20, but managed to keep my pace through 22 and beyond. The last 4 miles I was absolutely running on fumes and had nothing left at the finish. For that reason, I'm not agonizing over missing a Boston Qualifier by 4 seconds. 4 seconds! Barring through my shoe across the line ahead of me...but then it would have taken more time for me to actually get my shoe off...haha. So, a 3:11:03, but I think Boston would let me get in if I asked. We'll have to see how this year goes before I try (if I decided to petition entry).

I took off of running until yesterday, actually, to help my shins heal. I was worried about a stress fracture when it started hurting again after a couple nights of basketball following Vegas. That cut my total mileage off for the year, capping a record year of 1295.5 miles and 3 PRs (3:11:03 marathon in Vegas, 1:31:16 half marathon in Harrisburg, and 1:08:17 for 10 miles (Harrisburg split)).
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