Some people seem to think so though. Why? Is it the "inconvenience" of waiting until you find a trash can when you could just throw it out your car window? Did the Earth hurt you? Do you just have a general disdain for your well-being and that of others who call this planet home?
Ok, so I had to get that out after this afternoon... I was driving home from work and waiting at the light to turn left. A guy in the right turn lane in his TEAL Mustang casually dropped what looked like a pop can out his window onto the street. I wanted so bad to get out of my car, since the light was red, and pick it up and say "you dropped this" - but it was under his car and he could have turned at any moment. Oh well...
1 comment:
I almost did that with someone's cigarette....while I was on my scooter...I can pull up right next to their window and knock on it...and hand them their TRASH
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