Final Installment: continued from previous entries...
Thursday was my last day since I had such a freaking early 9am flight :( We were pretty pooped so most of us slept in. Some went to the park early. Some rented a car and went to the beach. Shawn, Mark & I took the afternoon shuttle to the parks. We rode three rides and walked around Universal Studios, then rode the Hulk and met Sarah & Josh at Islands of Adventure. We spent the rest of the day there. I was pretty tired. I got my picture with Bullwinkle! Everyone met back at the hotel for dinner. A group of us splurged and went to a Japanese steakhouse. That was pretty sweet. Expensive, but sweet. It was one of those places where they cook at your table (I forget what that's called). Our chef (Yashimi) was pretty entertaining and made fun of me a lot because of my drink. Shawn ordered a strawberry lemonade, which sounded good so I ordered one too. Apparently it came also with 7-up and pineapple or something, so it came in a fancy glass with an umbrella and all. Of course I had to put the umbrella in my ear, which was Yashimi's muse for making fun of me :-p He nicknamed me "Happy Meal" and was calling me "sexy" haha. He also was making fun of the drunk couple that got seated with us. Caroline showed me how to use chopsticks properly, and I think I did pretty well, though I was pretty slow. The noodles were a little tough and I couldn't do the fried rice. Of course I had to get dessert too :-p (fried cheesecake!) We watched another movie at the hotel. Went for a walk at like 2 am and crashed after packing up.
Friday morning I got up at 6:15 (a solid 3 hours of sleep...haha) so that I could get to my stupid early flight. The cab guy was kind of sketchy and it was $55 because I was by myself, so that also sucked. It was a long flight home (figuratively) though I actually got in about 15 minutes early. Dad picked me up and we went to lunch, watched MSU beat Ohio State and also went to dinner.
The end. Unfortunately. Perhaps another time :)
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