Saturday I went running with the Tortoise & Hare running group. It's a local running store with group runs and a team and all. I ran with them again this evening. It should help meet new people, I hope. Saturday's run was my first time running with the new fuel belt. I just have to figure out how high or low it should go, because it kept riding higher. The last part of the run it wasn't as bad. I also ran last week with a new moldable insert. Let's say that was probably the first time I put part of a shoe in an oven :-p
Bad news about running is that my ITB has been acting up since Thursday, so I need to cut back a bit on training and do some massaging, stretching and icing. If anyone knows any nice girls that give massages...haha.
I went home Saturday/Sunday to watch the Super Bowl. Hell of a game! Probably the best since the Rams/Titans. The commercials were a little disappointing, though there were a few that were pretty decent.
Our apartment last night lost power. Therefore I had no alarm. So, given that I don't get as much sleep as I should, that means I didn't work a full day today... Got up at 9:45, heh. At least I was awake I guess... We'll see how I sleep tonight.
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