Do you ever get stuck in a circle, a pattern, that's tough to get out of? I'm stuck in one right now. I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping since I got back from the weekend at Bucknell. Part of it was staying up a little later than I'm used to now, and part of it is missing Bucknell and wishing I could go back to school. Thus I don't get much sleep because I have to get up for work in the morning. I get to work a little later, feel bad about it and am already a little down from being so tired. Work actually lifts me up a little if I'm busy (like the last week+)...weird. Then I either find something to do at night or just can't fall asleep. Hopefully I can fix that this weekend or so.
That being said, work has been quite busy. I'm the leader for 3 different projects with a couple other things to work on as well. Some of which is holding up production, but I think that will be all cleared up tomorrow morning. It's kind of nice being the "important" one, and keeping busy sure makes the day go by faster...and keeps me awake ;) Sad news that we lost two co-workers from Tustin last night in a plane crash. One was my age, and a friend of Vicki's. It's moments like these that you sit back and thank God for all you have in life and for every day you have on this planet.
My IT band has been feeling better recently, and I ran today under an 8-minute pace for the first time in a while. Felt pretty good. I think as long as I keep stretching (and icing if it hurts) I will be okay. The guy at T&H suggested using one of those foam roller thingies - actually said it's the best thing for it. I may have to acquire one cheaply or steal Dad's! I bought my plane ticket for Big Sur today. Prices finally dropped again.
I got a call from a recruiter place saying there is an EE position open at some government company in York, PA. I'm going to review that and see if I want to set up an interview. The thing with moving out there is job security (it would need to be good and permanent since it's not close to home) and what happens when all the college friends graduate. We shall see.
I made some other observation tonight, but I forgot what it was...
8 days until Florida!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
And the Oscar goes to...
So now I know why I've never watched the Oscars. It was entertaining, but remind me next year to have something else to do, because I can't sit through 4 hours of that without having something else to do. I saw a whole 6 of this year's nominated movies and 11 of the 80 Best Picture award winners. I gots work to do!
I've always thought I'd be a pretty good actor but I've never gotten the opportunity. Some day I want to be in a musical or play.
Also, I bummed the day away. I did work on the websites, and that's about it. Oh well.
I've always thought I'd be a pretty good actor but I've never gotten the opportunity. Some day I want to be in a musical or play.
Also, I bummed the day away. I did work on the websites, and that's about it. Oh well.
18 down, 8.2 to go
Went out for the first 18-miler of the season yesterday afternoon. It went pretty well. It was a beautiful day, sunny and 32 degrees...almost shorts weather! My IT was good after the first 3 miles (I moved my knee strap). The only problem then was stupid blisters. I managed an 8:30 pace without too much work other than the last 2 miles, so that is satisfying. I think I'm ready to ramp it up a little (but not too much) as long as I keep stretching the IT!
Some things are for the best
Thinking positive. I'm satisfied as I can be, I guess. There are some good things. This might be what I need, actually.
2 weeks until Florida!
2 weeks until Florida!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I can remember every smile, every look
and it only makes me miss you more.
You have that something, makes me melt.
With you I wish time went real slow.
When that smile is shadowed, I'll be there
for you until your tears run dry.
Here, take this silk rose bouquet,
I will love you until they wilt and die.
Velvet petals
Smooth against my face.
Sweet rose
It could all fall into place.
and it only makes me miss you more.
You have that something, makes me melt.
With you I wish time went real slow.
When that smile is shadowed, I'll be there
for you until your tears run dry.
Here, take this silk rose bouquet,
I will love you until they wilt and die.
Velvet petals
Smooth against my face.
Sweet rose
It could all fall into place.
Take Me or Leave Me
I know who I am, and love who I am 99% of the time. I still try to better myself all the time, though. And I try to help others better themselves. I'm sorry if that's a little overbearing sometimes, but I'm working on it. Sometimes you have to find out for yourself rather than the grapevine. I understand, however, there will be a bias regardless of who you hear it from. Anyways... I am who I am, and I like that. I think I'm a pretty good person.
Someday, someday.
Thanks for the talk - it really helped.
Someday, someday.
Thanks for the talk - it really helped.
Thank You Lolz Cats
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
There's a time and place
I'm all panicky now. Really panicky. And upset. I caught wind of something and of course I am assuming the worst case. Am I being blind? Am I just still bitter (thought I was over that)? Am I way over-assuming? Maybe it's just so sensitive of a topic for me.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
So I kin kiss yeh anytime I wawnt
I don't know what it is, but it is,
and there's nothing I can do about it.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Well so does presence, doesn't it?
I don't know how to go, where to go,
and so I keep running in place
Can I drown in your eyes, and memorize
the lines upon your face?
The heart has so much to say,
but the lips won't form the words.
The heart races too fast to speak.
I see your poetry and forget my verse.
So it's possible to miss somebody
the moment the door closes.
Would it make a difference
if I could speak roses?
and there's nothing I can do about it.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Well so does presence, doesn't it?
I don't know how to go, where to go,
and so I keep running in place
Can I drown in your eyes, and memorize
the lines upon your face?
The heart has so much to say,
but the lips won't form the words.
The heart races too fast to speak.
I see your poetry and forget my verse.
So it's possible to miss somebody
the moment the door closes.
Would it make a difference
if I could speak roses?
Bucknell Weekend
Went up to Bucknell for the weekend since I had Monday off for President's Day. I had a blast, as usual. Oh how I miss Galloway. Got there late Friday night. We went Wal-Marting at like 1 am.
Saturday morning I got up early to run. At about mile 7 a little white fluffy dog bit me, so I had to get that bandaged up and talk to the owner to make sure I'm not going to get rabies. I almost finished the full 10 miles, and the last 2.5 or so were the fastest because I just wanted to get back to wash and take care of the wound. My IT band was okay, but not great. I think the bite took my mind off of that at the end. We went to the gym to play some basketball for old time's sake. That was rough. I haven't used those muscles in months and months! My shot was a little off, but not too bad for not playing in like 9 months. We lost to Holy Cross, which was a little disappointing, but I still had fun at the game. I got to see why our offense doesn't score much. Poor passing and a weird, slow motion offense... After the game the Wing Night crew headed over to Bull Run. After that a bunch of us went up to the LC to see Enchanted. Cute, but a little over-cheesy at points, especially at the start. Maybe that was the point. I don't know. It was entertaining anyways. I rarely see a movie I don't enjoy. A few of us played Scrabble when we got back. I came in second. Grr Josh! :-p
Sunday I slept in! So that was nice. We basically hung out all day. I went and sang at church. It was just two of us, so that was interesting, and I sight-read the Mass parts, but it went pretty well. I had most of my voice even after the basketball game the night before. I got to surprise/see Kim and a few other CCMers, which is always nice. The rest of the night we basically watched movies. I saw some of Flashdance, and we watched Bruce Almighty and Sweet Home Alabama.
I left Monday afternoon. Well, almost evening. I tried to stretch it out as much as I could. I hate saying goodbye. It's really one of the toughest things to do. Off the top of my head, finishing a Marathon is the only thing I can think of that is as tough. That and get over someone...
Saturday morning I got up early to run. At about mile 7 a little white fluffy dog bit me, so I had to get that bandaged up and talk to the owner to make sure I'm not going to get rabies. I almost finished the full 10 miles, and the last 2.5 or so were the fastest because I just wanted to get back to wash and take care of the wound. My IT band was okay, but not great. I think the bite took my mind off of that at the end. We went to the gym to play some basketball for old time's sake. That was rough. I haven't used those muscles in months and months! My shot was a little off, but not too bad for not playing in like 9 months. We lost to Holy Cross, which was a little disappointing, but I still had fun at the game. I got to see why our offense doesn't score much. Poor passing and a weird, slow motion offense... After the game the Wing Night crew headed over to Bull Run. After that a bunch of us went up to the LC to see Enchanted. Cute, but a little over-cheesy at points, especially at the start. Maybe that was the point. I don't know. It was entertaining anyways. I rarely see a movie I don't enjoy. A few of us played Scrabble when we got back. I came in second. Grr Josh! :-p
Sunday I slept in! So that was nice. We basically hung out all day. I went and sang at church. It was just two of us, so that was interesting, and I sight-read the Mass parts, but it went pretty well. I had most of my voice even after the basketball game the night before. I got to surprise/see Kim and a few other CCMers, which is always nice. The rest of the night we basically watched movies. I saw some of Flashdance, and we watched Bruce Almighty and Sweet Home Alabama.
I left Monday afternoon. Well, almost evening. I tried to stretch it out as much as I could. I hate saying goodbye. It's really one of the toughest things to do. Off the top of my head, finishing a Marathon is the only thing I can think of that is as tough. That and get over someone...
Friday, February 15, 2008
I just don't understand it. Probably never will.
Virginia Tech last year was a horrible wake up call for me: this stuff really does happen, whether we understand it or not. While I'm not as close to NIU as VT, it hits just as hard. Seeing something like this just tears me apart and leaves me speechless. It's senseless, sad and terrifying. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends of victims and to the Northern Illinois community.
Virginia Tech last year was a horrible wake up call for me: this stuff really does happen, whether we understand it or not. While I'm not as close to NIU as VT, it hits just as hard. Seeing something like this just tears me apart and leaves me speechless. It's senseless, sad and terrifying. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends of victims and to the Northern Illinois community.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Mass Transit
Well, this would be interesting... an eco-friendly mass rail system between Ann Arbor and Detroit, supposedly starting to be built in 2008! Read about it.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
It's places like these...
...that make me want to travel so much:
Iguazu Falls
There are so many beautiful places in this world. It also makes me wonder if I shouldn't go live out West somewhere near the mountains and nature. Or the East has some too. I love Michigan. It's where I grew up. I know so many people here. But who knows. I'm still trying to find my place. Apparently I need to find a girl who likes hiking, nature and travel (and music, of course) ;)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Frozen Fingers
It's super cold outside today. Let's see, currently it is 0 degrees with a wind chill of -17 (Fahrenheit), though it did get down to 22 below wind chill earlier. I made the mistake of going home to pick up a few things, as well as going to church in this winter madness. I was smart, however, to do my long run yesterday instead. 16 miles in this weather would have been brutal.
I also determined this weekend that I am going to go to Bucknell next weekend. I have President's Day off next Monday, and the men's team plays at home against Holy Cross, so I figured it was a great time to go back :) That's part of the reason I went home today - picked up my hair and game gear!
On Friday, Dave told me that they might just give me the position that's supposed to be for a mechanical engineer. We'll see if that pans out and how long it will take.
I talked to the student choir director at St. Mary's after Mass tonight, inquiring about joining. I will now be singing with the St. Mary's Student Choir :-p I miss CCM choir though!
Please give your opinion on the templates below. I'm kind of leaning towards the guitar one. I also like the running, Hobbit and dog ones. The others are probably out of the race. Besides, I'll be talking about music or running a lot.
I also determined this weekend that I am going to go to Bucknell next weekend. I have President's Day off next Monday, and the men's team plays at home against Holy Cross, so I figured it was a great time to go back :) That's part of the reason I went home today - picked up my hair and game gear!
On Friday, Dave told me that they might just give me the position that's supposed to be for a mechanical engineer. We'll see if that pans out and how long it will take.
I talked to the student choir director at St. Mary's after Mass tonight, inquiring about joining. I will now be singing with the St. Mary's Student Choir :-p I miss CCM choir though!
Please give your opinion on the templates below. I'm kind of leaning towards the guitar one. I also like the running, Hobbit and dog ones. The others are probably out of the race. Besides, I'll be talking about music or running a lot.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Help Me Pick!
Okay, here are the templates I'm looking at...sorry they're small, I don't have a good image editing program... :(
So I'm in the process of getting a new template for this thing and am deciding between a few layouts. I'll post screenshots in a bit and maybe get some feedback as to which you (whoever you are) like the best :)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
More Experiences
Well, I'm proud to say that I successfully made a real meal last week. I was so proud I took a picture! :)

Saturday I went running with the Tortoise & Hare running group. It's a local running store with group runs and a team and all. I ran with them again this evening. It should help meet new people, I hope. Saturday's run was my first time running with the new fuel belt. I just have to figure out how high or low it should go, because it kept riding higher. The last part of the run it wasn't as bad. I also ran last week with a new moldable insert. Let's say that was probably the first time I put part of a shoe in an oven :-p
Bad news about running is that my ITB has been acting up since Thursday, so I need to cut back a bit on training and do some massaging, stretching and icing. If anyone knows any nice girls that give massages...haha.
I went home Saturday/Sunday to watch the Super Bowl. Hell of a game! Probably the best since the Rams/Titans. The commercials were a little disappointing, though there were a few that were pretty decent.
Our apartment last night lost power. Therefore I had no alarm. So, given that I don't get as much sleep as I should, that means I didn't work a full day today... Got up at 9:45, heh. At least I was awake I guess... We'll see how I sleep tonight.
Saturday I went running with the Tortoise & Hare running group. It's a local running store with group runs and a team and all. I ran with them again this evening. It should help meet new people, I hope. Saturday's run was my first time running with the new fuel belt. I just have to figure out how high or low it should go, because it kept riding higher. The last part of the run it wasn't as bad. I also ran last week with a new moldable insert. Let's say that was probably the first time I put part of a shoe in an oven :-p
Bad news about running is that my ITB has been acting up since Thursday, so I need to cut back a bit on training and do some massaging, stretching and icing. If anyone knows any nice girls that give massages...haha.
I went home Saturday/Sunday to watch the Super Bowl. Hell of a game! Probably the best since the Rams/Titans. The commercials were a little disappointing, though there were a few that were pretty decent.
Our apartment last night lost power. Therefore I had no alarm. So, given that I don't get as much sleep as I should, that means I didn't work a full day today... Got up at 9:45, heh. At least I was awake I guess... We'll see how I sleep tonight.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
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