Last Sunday (7/31) I competed in my first triathlon, and let me tell you...I had a blast! Probably because it was a new experience for me, and finishing each event and transitioning to the next was like completing a task or finding a clue on a scavenger hunt. In running, you have the sense of accomplishment when you finish the race. In a triathlon, you get that THREE times!!
It was a sprint triathlon, which I am sure are much more fun than the long ones, really...right? Doesn't mean I'm not going to do the long ones though! While it took me an hour and 45 minutes (1:45:22, officially) it still felt like a true sprint. Of course, being a marathoner, doing any event for less than an hour (each) feels like a sprint...
I signed up as a "novice" so I was in the last of five heats to start the swim. Probably a good idea, though it would have probably saved me from getting kicked by the guy doing the breaststroke less than 200m into the race... Of course in the novice division there were a bunch of other first-timers to make me feel at home. We all were laughing at ourselves when we entered the water for the start, and a little even once we started swimming. I did have to tread water a couple of times to re-orient after getting kicked or a little off course, but I made the distance (750m) without any real problem. Who knows how far I actually swam, because, well, let's just say I need to work on my sighting and learn how to swim straight in open water! Made it out of the water happy and in 21:05 - slightly better than the goal of 22-23 minutes.
I was so happy that I made the swim that I took my grand ol' time in T1 (to the tune of 5+ minutes), but who cares. I got my bike gear on and headed out for the bike portion. The bike course was fantastic - some hills on the scenic "back country" type roads. I was passing people constantly it seemed, which made me feel even better. I felt good the whole way and finished the 16+ miles with an average speed of 19 mph (per my Garmin). But boy am I glad I took my water bottle with me (I had considered not doing so). T2 was much quicker, because I just had to rack my bike and change shoes, essentially (and take off my helmet and gloves of course).
I made my way out to the run, taking a much needed glass of ice water. I have heard people say their legs feel like Jell-O coming off the bike, and I have heard people say their legs are like bricks (specifically the quads). Now, it takes no genius to realize that those are two completely different feelings (duh), but whatever. Mine were definitely in the brick category, though not too bad since it was a short ride. It was my first significant run directly after coming off the bike, so it took a couple minutes to kind of catch my breath, and almost a mile for my legs to loosen up and get going. It was warm, but the course was nicely shaded. I felt better as I went and finished on a 6:33 last mile to do the 5k in 22:28.
I was ecstatic to cross the finish line, grabbed some refreshments, and stood in a pool of ice water to soothe the achy feet. All-in-all, it was a great experience and I can't wait to do another one! The sprints I think I can handle relatively often even after check "IronMan" off the list - they are so fun. I was pumped and ready to commit to a Half (70.3) this Fall -- I just had to decide which.
Finally, this weekend I made the decision to do the QuakerMan 70.3 out near Philly on 9/10/11. Here's to hoping that's a lucky date for me :) Triathlon progression scheduled and registered (sprint, 70.3, Ironman)! I'll want to do SavageMan and MooseMan 70.3s someday too...
Okay, that's enough writing (typing)...lots of work to do in a month's time!!