Friday, January 30, 2009

Men At Work

So today I learned something. Singer/songwriter Colin Hay was a member of the 80's band Men At Work. I would absolutely never have guessed that!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

800 Miles!?

Okay. Either people are insane or this is a typo that is supposed to be meters...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well, this is the first snow I've seen since moving to Maryland. It's supposed to be all icy and stuff tomorrow, so I'm not looking forward to the roads being crappy. I noticed in the parking lot at work that a lot of cars had their windshield wipers sticking up. I can't figure out what the reason is for it. If it's to prevent them from freezing to the windshield, wouldn't it make no difference, since then the windshield would just have ice on it and the wipers not work anyways? I don't know. If you do, let me know :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Movie Count

So, by my list, I've seen 580 movies and want to see 389 more. I can do it. And still not be a loser. Ha!

The "Perfect" One

Okay, so I was thinking... if you made a list of all the qualities that you would look for in a potential mate...the "perfect" match...what kind of percentage of that list do you think the average relationship meets?

Making a list like that is bad, and I'm picky enough as it is, but I'm just a little Curious George.

Monday, January 19, 2009

American Beauty

I just finished watching the movie American Beauty. It was rather interesting, I guess is how I would put it. Sort of dark in some respects, but also about the beauty around us and the beauty of life. How fortunate it would be to see the beauty in some things where you would never find it (like a dead bird or flying plastic bag, for example). I know I see lots of it, especially in certain things/people, and perhaps more than others. I wish we could all see it all.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Win, Place or Show?

So I decided that it was too cold (19, wind chill of 9) to go running after work today. I figured I'd be running enough at my basketball game tonight. I know, don't's 8 with negative wind chills at home in Michigan. Note to those in MI - don't go out for a run tomorrow's supposed to be 3 below with a -20 wind chill. I also am using the fact that I signed up for 2 marathons today, for my running for the day =D

Kentucky Derby (Louisville), April 25th
Grandma's Marathon (Duluth), June 20th


Maybe I should make it 3 and register for Baltimore now...ha

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Relaxing Tide

Is it just me or is folding clothes a soothing activity?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Cranberry, You Jerk

I thought I'd try Cran-Pomegranate juice. Yuck. What's next, Cran-milk?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

As Requested

I got yelled at for not writing in here much the last couple weeks, but I tend to write less when I'm home in here's a real entry:

I drove home to MI for the holidays on the 20th, the day after it snowed a foot there. Weather and traffic were awesome though! A shout out to the priest on the 4th Sunday of Advent who managed to work "persnickety" and "picayune" into the homily. Impressive. Went out for a reunion-type dinner at The Capital Grille on Monday night. I've never paid $44 for a steak before, but it was the best I've ever had (as it should be)! Christmas and such. Bought a new car on Friday. Went up north for the Niebski side Christmas on Saturday. Game night Monday night. New Year's and such. MSU lost their bowl game (just couldn't take advantage of their chances!). Drove back to MD on the 3rd.

The latest is that I passed out in church this morning, so today has been kind of weird and depressing. I'm not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

We Are Rivers

I am a river. You are a river. Our courses have met. You are full and flowing, and have rocks blocking me. I must continue my own course, but should you dry up and desire my water, I will gladly be here to provide it. However, rivers change their course with time, and so we may drift.